We understand that traditional online learning doesn’t suit everyone and thatwhilst many people would like to complete a qualification remotely online, they find navigating such a course and completing on their own with limited guidance a challenge.
For this reason we are introducing a slightly different form of studying.
Whilst the qualification can still be completed online and remotely, the actual theory is taught within a ‘live’, interactive classroom setting by a qualified tutor. This approach aims to provide a student with the support needed to complete the course.
IPET Level 2 Award In An Introduction To Canine Nutrition
The aim of this qualification is to give you understanding of the main nutritional groups, the canine anatomical structures and their influences on diet.
iPET Network Level 2 Award in Canine Care, Health and Behaviour
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iPET Level 3 Award in Promotion of Canine Skin, Hair and Nail Health
This qualification has been developed to provide underpinning knowledge and understanding of the tools, methods and techniques used to keep the skin, hair and nails of dogs in optimum condition.