Our students welcome the opportunity to be able to learn to groom a wide variety of dog breeds and coat types. During training they are required to learn a number of key skills including scissor work, clipping and hand stripping. If your dog is well behaved and you would like to take advantage of our half price dog grooming offer, please fill out the enquiry form below:
Dog Grooming Pricing
If you would like to bring your dog in to be groomed by our talented students, please see our latest prices below.

Small Dogs
From £31.00
Example breeds include Bichon Frise, Cocker Spaniels, West Highland Terriers and King Charles Spaniel.

Medium Dogs
From £34.00
Example breeds include Border Collies, Standard Schnauzers and Wheaten Terriers.

Large Dogs
From £37.00
Example breeds include, Airedale Terrier, Samoyeds and Bearded Collies.

XLarge Dogs
From £42.00
Example breeds include Bernese Mountain Dogs, German Shepherds and Akitas.

Giant Dogs
From £47.00
Example breeds include Newfoundlands, Pyrenean Mountain Dogs and St. Bernards.
Dog Grooming: Why is it necessary?
When grooming your dogs, they receive more than just a haircut from us. The groom helps prevent their coats from matting, which keeps them in good condition. It aids the health checking process, whilst reducing unpleasant odours and skin complaints. By bringing your dogs to us regularly, they can build a good relationship with us and enjoy the process. They leave us with a well-maintained coat, in a style that suits you.
For more information on the importance of dog grooming please see the following links: